Meet Our Providers

About me and the way I choose to practice Child Care.

Let’s make it fun and exciting for children to come to the pediatrician’s office.

Dr. Hilal was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. He graduated from Alexandria University School of Medicine then completed 3 years of pediatric residency and earned Masters in Pediatrics from Alexandria University Children’s hospital before moving to the United State. After passing necessary qualifying exams he got accepted and graduated from University of Nevada School of medicine pediatric residency program in Las Vegas, NV, where he practiced pediatrics for 16 years before moving to Dallas, TX.


Dr. Hilal has been working in pediatrics since graduation from medical school for more than 30 years with extensive experience in both primary care and urgent care setting.


Dr. Hilal is married and has 2 children and enjoys spending time with family, volunteering, hiking, swimming and playing soccer.


Medical Director

A visit to the doctor can be Fun!

Let's brake some myths and help children get comfortable with doctors.